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Drug Addiction & Withdrawl

Refers to the physiological process of overcoming addiction to drugs such as heroin or other narcotics, barbiturates, or amphetamines, by complete cessation of use. 

Opiate molecules have a chemical structure similar to endorphins - a natural hormone that regulates pain and pleasure. When a drug user shoots up, the opiates in the drug plug into the nerve receptors normally occupied by endorphins. If opiates are administered repeatedly, endorphin production drops.The body has essentially been tricked into short-circuiting the natural pain-pleasure regulation system. 

The addiction turns ugly when the opiate is withheld. Without the presence of either the opiates or the natural endorphins, an addict's pain receptors cease to regulate brain signals. The unimpeded flow of stimulation causes acute pain while triggering a cascade of reactions throughout the body: sweating, uncontrollable diarrhea, vomiting, and severe depression. It's not fatal - though it may feel like it - and the addict often relapses just to stop the torment.It usually takes two to three weeks of suffering before natural endorphin production resumes and the pleasure-pain equilibrium is restored. 

 Considering the ordeal, it's not surprising that quitting cold turkey works only about 5% of the time. To improve on that success rate, drug treatment experts have traditionally relied on three approaches: methadone, symptomatic treatment, and Narcotics Anonymous. 

Methadone and its modern substitute buprenorphine are opiates that don't produce a high. An addict taking these drugs has essentially moved from a risky, illegal dependency to a safer, legal one. But if they don’t take the methadone, withdrawal begins within hours. 

 For users who don't want to be addicted to any substance, treating the symptoms with a combination of anti-nausea, anti-diarrhea, and sedation drugs can help ease the pain of withdrawal. Finally, the support of an NA group is usually recommended in conjunction with all other treatments. These methods have a success rate of 30% to 40% after a year. 

At Liberty Laser Health, our clients do not have to go through cravings & withdrawal symptoms. The laser treatments support the body in naturally eliminating toxins & chemicals. Our Clients are able to begin their process of restoring their body to good health right away & have a much higher rate of success!